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1. HR 861 Terminate the Environmental Protection Agency
Introduced in House (02/03/2017) This bill
terminates the Environmental Protection Agency on December 31, 2018.
2. HR 610 Vouchers for Public Education
Introduced in House (01/23/2017) Choices in
Education Act of 2017 This bill repeals the Elementary and Secondary Education
Act of 1965 and limits the authority of the Department of Education (ED) such
that ED is authorized only to award block grants to qualified states.
The bill establishes an education voucher
program, through which each state shall distribute block grant funds among
local educational agencies (LEAs) based on the number of eligible children
within each LEA's geographical area. From these amounts, each LEA shall: (1)
distribute a portion of funds to parents who elect to enroll their child in a
private school or to home-school their child, and (2) do so in a manner that
ensures that such payments will be used for appropriate educational expenses.
To be eligible to receive a block grant, a
state must: (1) comply with education voucher program requirements, and (2)
make it lawful for parents of an eligible child to elect to enroll their child
in any public or private elementary or secondary school in the state or to
home-school their child.
3. HR 899 Terminate the Department of Education
Introduced in House (02/07/2017) This bill terminates the Department of
Education on December 31, 2018.
4. HJR 69 Repeal Rule Protecting Wildlife
17 (legislative day, February 16), 2017
Providing for congressional disapproval
under chapter 8 of title 5, United
States Code, of the final rule of the Department of the Interior relating to ``Non-Subsistence Take of
Wildlife, and Public Participation and
Closure Procedures, on National Wildlife Refuges in Alaska''.
Resolved by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled,
That Congress disapproves the rule submitted
by the Department of the Interior
relating to ``Non-Subsistence Take of Wildlife, and Public Participation and Closure Procedures, on
National Wildlife Refuges in Alaska''
(81 Fed. Reg. 52247 (August 5, 2016)), and such rule shall have no force or effect ((Passed the House of
Representatives February 16, 2017.))
5. HR 370 Repeal Affordable Care Act
JANUARY 9, 2017 Mr. FLORES introduced the
following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and
in addition to the Committees on Education and the Workforce, Ways and Means,
the Judiciary, Natural Resources, Rules, House Administration, Appropriations,
and the Budget, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in
each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction
of the committee concerned
To repeal the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act and health care-related provisions in the Health Care and
Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION
(a) PPACA.—Effective January 1, 2020, the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111– 148) is repealed,
and the provisions of law amended or repealed by such Act are restored or
revived as if such Act had not been enacted.
2020, title I and subtitle B of title II of the Health Care and Education
Reconciliation Act of 2010 (Public Law 111–152) are repealed, and the
provisions of law amended or repealed by such title or subtitle, respectively,
are restored or revived as if such title and subtitle had not been enacted.
The budgetary effects of this Act shall not
be entered on either PAYGO scorecard maintained pursuant to section 4(d) of the
Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010.
6. HR 354 Defund Planned Parenthood
Introduced in House (01/06/2017) Defund
Planned Parenthood Act of 2017
This bill prohibits, for a one-year period,
the availability of federal funds for any purpose to Planned Parenthood
Federation of America, Inc., or any of its affiliates or clinics, unless they
certify that the affiliates and clinics will not perform, and will not provide
any funds to any other entity that performs, an abortion during such period.
This restriction does not apply in cases of rape or incest or where a physical
condition endangers a woman's life unless an abortion is performed.The
Department of
Health and Human Services and the Department
of Agriculture must seek repayment of federal assistance received by Planned
Parenthood Federation of America, Inc., or any affiliate or clinic, if it
violates the terms of the certification required by this bill. Additional
funding for community health centers is provided for the one-year period
described above.
7. HR 785 National Right to Work
FEBRUARY 1, 2017 Mr. KING of Iowa (for
himself and Mr. WILSON of South Carolina) introduced the following bill; which
was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce
A BILL_________________________________________________
To preserve and protect the free choice of
individual employees to form, join, or assist labor organizations, or to
refrain from such activities.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the “National
Right-to-Work Act”.
(a) Section 7 of the National Labor
Relations Act (the “Act”) (29 U.S.C. 157) is amended by striking “except to”
and all that follows through “authorized in section 8(a)(3)”.
(b) Section 8(a) of the Act (29 U.S.C.
158(a)) is amended by striking “: Provided, That” and all that follows through
“retaining membership” in paragraph (3).
(c) Section 8(b) of the Act (29 U.S.C.
158(b)) is amended by striking “or to discriminate” and all that follows
through “retaining membership” in paragraph (2) and by striking “covered by an
agreement authorized under subsection (a)(3) of this section” in paragraph (5).
(d) Section 8(f) of the Act (29 U.S.C.
158(f)) is amended by striking clause (2) and by redesignating clauses (3) and
(4) as (2) and (3), respectively.
Section 2 of the Railway Labor Act (45
U.S.C. 152) is amended by striking paragraph Eleventh.
8. HR 83 Mobilizing Against Sanctuary Cities Bill
Introduced in House (01/03/2017)
Mobilizing Against Sanctuary Cities Act This bill prohibits a state or local
government from receiving federal financial assistance for a minimum of one
year if it restricts or prohibits a government entity or official from:
(1) sending to or receiving from the
responsible federal immigration agency information regarding an individual's
citizenship or immigration status, or
(2) maintaining or exchanging information about
an individual's status.
The bill restores assistance eligibility
upon a Department of Justice (DOJ) determination that the jurisdiction no
longer restricts or prohibits such actions.
DOJ shall report each year to Congress
regarding state or local jurisdictions that restrict or prohibit such actions.
9. HR 147 Criminalizing Abortion (“Prenatal
Nondiscrimination Act”)
Introduced in House (01/03/2017)
Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act (PRENDA) of
This bill imposes criminal penalties on
anyone who knowingly or knowingly attempts to: (1) perform an abortion knowing
that the abortion is sought based on the sex, gender, color or race of the
child, or the race of a parent; (2) use force or the threat of force to
intentionally injure or intimidate any person for the purpose of coercing a
sex-selection or race-selection abortion; (3) solicit or accept funds for the
performance of such an abortion; or (4) transport a woman into the United
States or across a state line for the purpose of obtaining such an abortion.
Violations or attempted violations shall
result in fines and/or imprisonment for up to five years.
The bill authorizes civil actions (for
verifiable money damages for injuries and punitive damages) by: (1) fathers, or
maternal grandparents if the mother is an unemancipated minor, of unborn
children who are the subject of an abortion performed or attempted through any
of the above violations; or (2) women upon whom an abortion has been performed
or attempted with a knowing or attempted use of force or threat of force to
intentionally injure or intimidate any person for the purpose of coercing a
sex-selection or raceselection abortion. To prevent an abortion provider from
performing or attempting further abortions in violation of this bill, the bill
authorizes injunctive relief to be obtained by: (1) the women upon whom such an
abortion is performed or attempted, (2) a maternal grandparent of the unborn
child if the woman is an unemancipated minor, (3) the father of such an unborn
child, or (4) the Department of Justice.
Violations of this bill are deemed to be
prohibited discrimination under title VI (Federally Assisted Programs) of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964. (Violators of title VI lose federal funding.)
Medical or mental health professionals must
report known or suspected violations to law enforcement authorities. Criminal
penalties are established for a failure to so report.
A woman having such an abortion may not be
prosecuted or held civilly liable.
Courts must make such orders as necessary to
protect the anonymity of any woman upon whom an abortion has been performed or
attempted if she does not give her written consent to such disclosure.
In the absence of such a woman's written
consent, any party, other than a public official, who brings an action must use
a pseudonym.
For purposes of this bill,
"abortion" is defined as the act of using or prescribing any
instrument, medicine, drug, or any other substance, device, or means with the
intent to terminate the clinically diagnosable pregnancy of a woman, with
knowledge that the termination by those means will, with reasonable likelihood,
cause the death of the unborn child, unless the act is intended to: (1) save
the life or preserve the health of the unborn child, (2) remove a dead unborn
child caused by spontaneous abortion, or (3) remove an ectopic pregnancy.
10. HR 808 Sanctions against Iran
IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES______________________________________
FEBRUARY 1, 2017 Mr. ROSKAM (for himself,
Mr. LANCE, Mr. ZELDIN, and Mr. LAMBORN) introduced the following bill; which
was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in addition to the
Committees on Financial Services, Ways and Means, the Judiciary, Intelligence
(Permanent Select), and Oversight and Government Reform, for a period to be
subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such
provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned
To impose nonnuclear sanctions with respect
to Iran, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION
1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as
the “Iran Nonnuclear Sanctions Act of 2017”.
(b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of contents
for this Act is as follows:
Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. Sec.
2. Definitions. Sec. 3. Findings. Sec. 4. Statement of policy. TITLE
A—Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps Sanctions, Watch List, And Report
Sec. 101. Findings.
Sec. 102. Imposition of sanctions with
respect to the IRGC. Sec. 103. Imposition of sanctions against entities owned
in whole or in part by the IRGC. Sec. 104. IRGC watch list and report. Sec.
105. Imposition of sanctions against Mahan Air. Sec. 106. Additional measures
on Mahan Air. Sec. 107. Modification and extension of reporting requirements on
the use of certain Iranian seaports by foreign vessels and use of foreign
airports by sanctioned Iranian air carriers. Subtitle B—Other Provisions
Sec. 111. Authority of States and local
governments to divest from persons that engage in investment or business
activities with Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps. Sec. 112. Safe harbor for
changes in investment policies by asset managers. Subtitle C—Termination
Sec. 121. Termination. TITLE II—SANCTIONS
Sec. 201. Findings. Sec. 202. Expansion of
list of persons involved in human rights abuses in Iran. Sec. 203.
Identification of, and imposition of sanctions with respect to, certain Iranian
individuals. Sec. 204. Imposition of sanctions with respect to persons who
conduct transactions with or on behalf of certain Iranian individuals. Sec.
205. Mandatory sanctions with respect to financial institutions that engage in
certain transactions on behalf of persons involved in human rights abuses or
that export sensitive technology to Iran. Sec. 206. United States support for
the people of Iran. Sec. 207. United States Special Coordinator on Human Rights
and Democracy in Iran. Sec. 208. Broadcasting to Iran. Sec. 209. Report on
United States citizens detained by Iran. Sec. 210. Sense of Congress on
establishment of multilateral mechanism to promote human rights in Iran. Sec.
211. Sense of Congress on role of the United Nations in promoting human rights
Sec. 301. Findings. Sec. 302. Sense of
Congress. Sec. 303. Expansion of sanctions with respect to efforts by Iran to
acquire ballistic missile and related technology. Sec. 304. Imposition of
sanctions with respect to ballistic missile program of Iran. Sec. 305.
Expansion of mandatory sanctions with respect to financial institutions that
engage in certain transactions relating to ballistic missile capabilities of
Iran. Sec. 306. Disclosure to the Securities and Exchange Commission of
activities with certain sectors of Iran that support the ballistic missile
program of Iran. Sec. 307. Regulations. TITLE IV—SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO
CERTAIN IRANIAN TRANSACTIONS Subtitle A—Sanctions Relating To Iran's Support Of
Sec. 401. Findings. Sec. 402. Special
measures with respect to Iran relating to its designation as a jurisdiction of
primary money laundering concern. Subtitle B—Prohibition On And Other Sanctions
Relating To Transactions With Iran
Sec. 411. Prohibition on facilitation of
certain transactions involving the Government of Iran or Iranian persons. Sec.
412. Reports on, and authorization of imposition of sanctions with respect to,
offshore United States dollar clearing for transactions involving the
Government of Iran or Iranian persons. Sec. 413. Clarification that freezing of
assets of Iranian financial institutions includes assets in possession or
control of a United States person pursuant to a U-turn transaction. TITLE
Sec. 501. Modification of requirements
relating to state sponsors of terrorism. SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS.
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